Key Points for Disqualification

Any swimmer starting before the starting signal shall be disqualified
A swimmer, swimming the course alone shall cover the whole distance to qualify
A swimmer must remain and finish in the same lane as started
A swimmer when turning shall make contact with the end wall of the pool
Swimmer took a stride or step from the bottom of the pool
Swimmer pulled on the lane rope
Any kind of tape on the body is not permitted – unless approved by the FINA Sport Medicine Committee (Technical Director at SNZ events)
Use of power bands or adhesive substances not permitted
Entered the water during a race not entered in
Feet not in touch with starting platform before preceding team member touched the wall
Team member/s entered the water prior to all teams finishing
Swam more than once in their relay team
Swimmers in relay did not swim in order listed
Failed to leave the pool at the end of their leg in a relay
Device or plan used for pace-making
Body not on the breast (except when executing a turn)
Body not on the breast when leaving the wall after the turn
Arms not brought forward simultaneously over the water
Arms not brought backward simultaneously under the water
Movements of the feet not simultaneous
Alternating movement of the legs or feet
Swimmer used breaststroke kick
Touch at finish or turn with one hand, or touch not simultaneous, or hands not separated
Swimmer’s head did not surface at or before 15m mark following the start or turn
Swimmer totally submerged (except in first 15m after start & turn)
More than one arm pull under water (following start or turn)
Toes of both feet not in contact with wall or touchpad when Backstroke start ledge used. Bending toes over the touchpad is prohibited
Swimmer left position on the back other than to execute a turn
Swimmer’s head did not break the surface at or before 15m mark following the start or turn
Swimmer totally submerged (except in first 15m after start & turn)
Swimmer did not start executing the turn immediately after turning onto the breast
Non-simultaneous double arm pull was used to initiate the turn after turning onto the breast
Swimmer did not touch the wall at the turn
Swimmer did not leave the wall on the back after the turn
Swimmer did not finish race while on the back
Butterfly kick not before first breaststroke kick
Head did not break the surface before arms reached widest point in second stroke after start or turn
Body not on the breast (except when executing a turn)
Stroke cycle not 1 arm stroke to 1 leg kick
Arm movements not simultaneous
Arm movements not in the same horizontal plane
Hands not pushed together from the breast
Hands brought back beyond the hip line (after the 1st stroke following the start and turn)
Elbows over the water except for last stroke before turn, during the turn or the final stroke at the finish
Leg movements not simultaneous (or alternating movement)
Leg movements not on the same horizontal plane
Feet not turned out in the propulsive part of the kick
Executed a downward butterfly kick (except after the start and after the turn as in SW 7.1)
Touch at the finish or turn with one hand, or touch not simultaneous, or hands not separated
Form style swum in Freestyle leg of medley
Swimmer did not touch the wall at the turn / finish
Swimmer’s head did not surface before 15m mark following the start or turn
Swimmer totally submerged (except for first 15m at start & turn)
Swimmer took a stride or step from the bottom of the pool
Incorrect IM stroke order (correct: fly, back, breast, free -1/4 each)
Swimmer was not on the breast before the first kick/stroke of the start of the freestyle leg
Incorrect medley relay order (correct: back, breast, fly, free)
One quarter (1/4) of the distance not covered in ______ stroke of the medley
Finish of each stroke not in accordance with rules for the particular stroke