Swimwear & Technical Suits

The Swimming Canterbury West Coast Board, in consultation with the Canterbury Coaches Group, and in the interests of athlete development and retention, are institutins the SCWC Technical/Performance Race Suit Policy.
The policy will limit the use of Technical/Performance Race Suits by all competitors 12 years of age and under, at all SCWC sanctioned events- this includes all Club and Regional meets held within the SCWC Region.
A Technical Swim Suit is one that has bonded seams, kinetic tape or meshed seams. From the 1st January 2019 only swim suits that have all stitched seams will be permitted to be worn by swimmers aged 12 years and under at any SCWC sanctioned event.
Read the policy here.
Any swimmer at all levels of competition in New Zealand can wear modified or alternate swimwear.
All swimmers are eligible for a New Zealand Record if they wear approved modified or alternative swimwear. excluding fast suits.
Swimmers may choose a swimwear style that covers additional body surface including the legs, arms and/or head.
If approved within the policy, there is no limit to the number of pieces the swimwear is made from and swimmers may wear additional layers over a traditional swimsuit.
Swimwear which the Technical Director or Meet Referee believes would be capable of unfairly enhancing a swimmer’s performance will not be permitted.
Swimwear which the Technical Director or Meet Referee believes would cause a safety risk will not be permitted.
All swimmers seeking to achieve a World Record or international team selection will need to comply with the respective regulations from World Para Swimming and FINA.
Read the policy here.